ETC Relevé Spot
İyun 9, 2020
Coemar Director 768
İyun 12, 2020
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Coemar Risalto


An ideal theatre projector, available in two different versions: PC or Fresnel.
Complete with colour frame, halogen lamp not included.

Risalto 300/500 W
This fixture can achieve a zoom range that goes from 7° to 48° with a PC lens and from 8° to 40° with a Fresnel lens.

Risalto 650/1.000 W
This fixture can achieve a zoom range that goes from 5° to 61° with a PC lens and from 10° to 53° with a Fresnel lens.

Risalto 2.000 W
This fixture can achieve a zoom range that goes from 5° to 65° with a PC lens and from 9° to 47° with a Fresnel lens.


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