Yanvar 22, 2020
Playout ver 7 4K output license(works for PAL, NTSC, 720p, 1080i, 1080p or 4K output)
Yanvar 23, 2020MagicSoft CG ver 8 SD
The following configurations are based on Intel motherboards ( socket 1151 / 2011 / 2066 / 3647 ).
The list of the compatible hardware it is open. The hardware vendors update their systems on a regular basis and it is difficult to evaluate every new systems that comes to market.
The most important thing to consider is that the Decklink or Intensity card must be compatible with the motherboard and the rest of your system. Our software will work for sure if the systems are configured correctly.
The supported operating systems are : Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 and Windows Server 2012 / 2016 ( only the 64 bit version works ).
SD configurations | |||||
CPU Socket | MotherBoard | Processor | RAM Memory | Video Card | Blackmagic Card |
Socket 1151 | Gigabyte ASUS MSI | Intel Core i5 | 2 X 4 GB | nVidia GTX 750 or newer | DeckLink SDI / Studio / Dual2 / Quad 2 |
Socket AM4 | Gigabyte ASUS MSI | AMD Ryzen 5 or better | 2 X 4 GB | nVidia GTX 750 or newer | DeckLink SDI / Studio / Dual2 / Quad 2 |
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