Sentyabr 11, 2020
Sentyabr 11, 2020
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RTS PAP-5032

Omneo capable program assign panel

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The PAP-5032 provides the user with the ability to assign multiple program sources to over 16 different IFB destinations. The PAP-5032 can

be extended to up to 64 program sources and 64 IFB destinations via standard EKP expansion panels. The PAP-5032 works with ADAM,

ADAM-M, and ODIN matrix systems.

Real-time routing of program audio to IFB outputs

Audio monitoring of program inputs or IFB outputs

Real-time gain adjustment of program input and IFB output levels

Legacy support for RS485 data connections or enhanced Ethernet connectivity

Support for analog, OMNEO or RVON audio connections

The PAP-5032 provides the user with the ability to assign multiple program sources to over 16 different IFB destinations. The PAP-5032 can

be extended to up to 64 program sources and 64 IFB destinations via standard EKP expansion panels. The PAP-5032 works with ADAM,

ADAM-M, and ODIN matrix systems.

LCD Display Active Area120.10mm (wide) x 35.86mm (high)
LCD Display Dot Resolution576 x 172 pixels
LCD Display Color Resolution16-bit (64K)RGB color
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