ROSS Video openGear®
Aprel 26, 2016
Aprel 27, 2016
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ROSS Video SHC-9642

Ross GearLite products are small and portable modules designed as Point-of-Use products. GearLite modules offer the same excellent technical and operational specifications as our RossGear frame-based products, but are used where the module can be conveniently located at the source or destination of a signal. GearLite modules are ideal to adapt a piece of equipment to source or accept a signal of a different format, such as using an Ross GearLite products are small and portable modules designed as Point-of-Use products. GearLite modules offer the same excellent technical and operational specifications as our RossGear frame-based products, but are used where the module can be conveniently located at the source or destination of a signal. GearLite modules are ideal to adapt a piece of equipment to source or accept a signal of a different format, such as using an HDMI input on a monitor to view a SDI signal.
GearLite modules are zero rack-space modules, include a universal power supply (not a wall block), and come ready to mount to the back of a rack, or wherever convenient with the included velcro and rubber feet.
Ross GearLite modules offer a wide range of distribution, monitoring, fiber, conversion and processing functions.

GearLite modules are zero rack-space modules, include a universal power supply (not a wall block), and come ready to mount to the back of a rack, or wherever convenient with the included velcro and rubber feet.

Ross GearLite modules offer a wide range of Ross GearLite products are small and portable modules designed as Point-of-Use products. GearLite modules offer the same excellent technical and operational specifications as our RossGear frame-based products, but are used where the module can be conveniently located at the source or destination of a signal. GearLite modules are ideal to adapt a piece of equipment to source or accept a signal of a different format, such as using an HDMI input on a monitor to view a SDI signal.
GearLite modules are zero rack-space modules, include a universal power supply (not a wall block), and come ready to mount to the back of a rack, or wherever convenient with the included velcro and rubber feet.
Ross GearLite modules offer a wide range of distribution, monitoring, fiber, conversion and processing functions. and processing functions.

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